Monday, January 11, 2010

Remodeling is not fun

Change from beginning of program: -1.6
Goal: 42 LBs to go
Activity: none
Temptation: beer
Fruit and veg: 4

Have you ever had one of those days where you are busy all day but you don't get much accomplished?

That was my day today.

It's frustrating to not have something to show for my work at the end of the day.

It's frustrating to have the workers in and out of the house, yet to not know when they will arrive or leave.

It's frustrating to have Bigfoot displaced from his bathroom because he is taking over mine. And we have to share. And he does not do well with things out of his routine. (He has even more of a problem with that than I do, and that's saying a lot.)

Both of us are on edge. It's not pretty.

And this is why I drink.

I didn't eat too much today, which is a positive.

Breakfast: Black bean chili Frito pie, 2 Cellas

Lunch: Brussels sprouts, 3 Cellas. I'm on the last box. Thank gawd these things are available only in November and December. Otherwise, I would be topping the scales around 400.

Snack: Baked kale with parmesan cheese. Yes, baked kale. It is surprisingly tasty.

Dinner: Cherries, tomato, sliver of pecan pie. Only one sliver left.

Tomorrow, I'm going to see "A Chorus Line," which I have never seen before. My friend and I will have a lovely dinner before the show. This means I actually need to fix my hair and put on some makeup tomorrow. With all this working from home, I have enjoyed ponytails and a bare face.

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