Monday, January 11, 2010

Book reviews: more subtitles

While I am stuck at home with the contractors who are remodeling the bathroom, I have time to read.

Why is it that most books published in this century have subtitles? Or is it just the books I choose? Either way, here are the ones I finished over the weekend:

  • Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid by "Dr." Denis Leary. Denis Leary is a funny guy, and he doesn't care who he offends. And he offends just about everyone (except firefighters and stay-at-home moms). His basic premise is that we have more than any other culture in the world, and yet we want to just whine and take the easy way out. I laughed out loud many times.
  • Cooking with Heart & Soul: Making Music in the Kitchen with Family and Friends by the late, great Isaac Hayes. Part autobiography, part cookbook, all entertaining. Isaac grew up dirt poor and became a millionaire, but he never forgot his humble beginnings. I have not tried any of the recipes yet, but several looked good. Isaac believed in the power of healthy eating, and he was a vegetarian for a while. The next time my nephew is in town, we are going to try the recipe for Chocolate Salty Balls.
  • Cake Wrecks: When Professional Cakes Go Hilariously Wrong by Jen Yates. Is it a picture book or a humor book? Or a humorous picture book? Either way, it is funny...because of the pictures. Here is a great example of a blog leading to a book deal. You know, that's my dream - having a blog that leads to a book deal.
Check out these books. You'll be glad you did.

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