Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Another day down the drain

Change from beginning of program: -.4
Goal: 43 LBs to go
Activity: none, nada, nothing
Temptation: chips and salsa
Fruit and veg: 3

That day and half where I didn't have much to do at work? That's over. I'm behind already. Crap.

Bathroom renovation progress: none. They say they were working on cabinet fronts, but I saw nothing today.

Breakfast: whole grapefruit and 4 Cellas

Lunch: Chuy's with a friend: chips and salsa, mini bean and cheese burrito, some rice, guacamole

Afternoon snack: 2 Cellas

Dinner: shrimp scampi over angel hair, pecan pie

Evening snack: wine (lots), 3 Carr's Table Water Crackers (no flavor whatsover), one Ferrer Rocher

So...another day of eating crap and not exercising. It's only January 6. Will the whole year be like this?

How am I gonna reach that goal with days like this?

The working from home is not working too well. Easy access to food is not a good thing. And I get no exercise. At least when I go to the office I have to walk in from the garage and walk to get water. Here, I stay in a small radius. And I don't bother to wear makeup or decent clothes. I need a routine. I need some discipline. I need to go into the office.

Let's hope the renovation is completed soon. I need for it to be done before I go to LA to see my old pal Pee Wee Herman (next Friday).

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