Saturday, September 05, 2009

This is why I don't work from home full time

Change from beginning of program: -4.4 LBs
Goal: 39 LBs to go
Activity: supervising workmen
Temptation: pizza, beer (not at the same time)
Fruit and veg: 0 - nada - zip - zero - nothing - goose egg - embarrassing!

When I work from home, I'm often "working" from home.

Today, I actually worked and I got a lot done.

But the main reason I don't want to "work" from home full time is that I would soon weigh 300 pounds. Easy access to the kitchen is not a good thing.

When I get frustrated, I eat. When I'm working, I get frustrated a lot.

I managed to eat a whole lot of crap today.

Breakfast: I started the morning with 2 Fiber One pop tarts.

Morning snack: Handful of chocolate chips.

Lunch: Pizza delivery. 3 slices of thin crust veggie lovers pizza. 3 breadsticks with creamy Italian dressing.

Dinner: 2 slices of pizza. 6 beers.

And I wonder why my intestines are unhappy with me.

On the bright side, I have a nice new bathroom sink. And I have replaced every window in the house. It took more than a year, but they are done. Now I just need to replace the carpet, paint the interior, completely redo the master bath, etc. etc.

It never ends.

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