Wednesday, September 09, 2009

No sleep + meetings = grumpy Pink

Change from beginning of program: -3.4 LBs
Goal: 40 LBs to go
Activity: 1.5 miles/31 minutes on the treadmill
Temptation: brownies
Fruit and veg: 3

Days after drinking are a challenge because I seem to be much hungrier.

It didn't help that we were awoken at 3:00 a.m. by a persistent chirping sound. It was coming from the ceiling fan, but Bigfoot insists (still) that it was a bug in the attic making the noise. Something chirped every time the fan made a rotation, and the chirping stopped when we turned the fan off. But there's no way that the fan was making the noise.

I gave up and slept in the other room.

Then I overslept - on a day where I was doing a presentation at 8:00. What a way to start the day.

My PC took a full 25 minutes to boot up and be fully functional. The presentation went fine, but I had another seven (seven!!) meetings, including one at 4:30 - and I did not even need to be there. I don't know why the VP invited me to that meeting because it had NOTHING to do with my job.

I love my job.

Breakfast: pumpernickel and hummus, peanut M&Ms

Morning snack: Three Reeses minis. I got these at Target along with some of the newly remastered Beatles CDs. Sadly, I was unable to listen to those CDs because I was on the freakin' phone ALL DAY.

Lunch: cheese sandwich on rye and a few chips

Dinner: Leftover veggies from the best restaurant in the world

Evening snack: brownies. A visiting manager asked me if I was planning on baking anything while he was in town. Sounds like a big hint to me...

Tomorrow: another Astros game. So I can have something salty and beer, ice cream and beer, Skittles and beer, and beer and beer. Woo-hoo!

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