Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I (heart) Brett Far-va-ra

Change from beginning of program: -3.2 LBs
Goal: 41 LBs to go
Activity: 1 mile on the treadmill - hey, it's a start
Temptation: candy
Fruit and veg: 5

I went to the Texans game last night to see my would-be boyfriend, Brett Favre (who kicked the Texans' ass, by the way).

Football game = way too much beer

Way too much beer = overeating the following day

Still puffy, but not as much.

Breakfast: Multi-grain bread with hummus. Watermelon.

Morning snack: 1 Reeses peanut butter cup and 1 Almond Joy log. In other words, a total of an entire candy bar.

Lunch: I needed cheese. Lots of cheese. So I headed to a Mexican restaurant and ordered a combo dinner with a cheese enchilada, bean tostada, rice, beans, and guacamole. I had a boatload of chips before the meal arrived. And I nearly choked myself laughing while reading The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Dinner: Tomato. Then whole wheat angel hair pasta with light butter and lots of parmesan cheese. And watermelon.

Craving chocolate, but nothing suitable in the house.

Have sworn off alcohol until the weekend. But I will have a beer tomorrow at a work happy hour. So I guess I haven't really sworn off alcohol. Oh well.

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