Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Virtual Monday is just as ugly as real Monday

Change from beginning of program: -1.8
Goal: 42 to go
Activity: making bracelets
Temptation: chocolate
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 5

The first day back at work after 3 days off was kinda horrifying. I'm really lucky to have such a good job, but DAMN. Some days the bullshit is just too stinky. And the fun will continue tomorrow.

Bigfoot and I were supposed to go to a free movie tonight, but I came home and said that I just wanted to sit on the bed and play with my beads. It took me until 9:00 to get to my happy spot, but I made it.

You don't even want to know what I ate today. Suffice it to say that if it crossed my path, it went into my belly.

And I'm starting to get worried that "Lost" is not gonna wrap everything up satisfactorily. Only 10 episodes left, but we keep getting new characters every week.

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