Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drinking with abandon

Change from beginning of program: -1
Goal: 43 LBs to go
Activity: coughing
Temptation: sweets
Fruit and veg: 5

Holy crap - 12 days since my last post? I blame the holidays.

You do not want to know what I have eaten over the past 12 days. It has been a lot. It has been a lot of sugar and fat. It has not been pretty.

Over the weekend, I went to Big D for not one, not two, but three gift-opening sessions. And they were on opposite ends of the area, so I spent a good portion of the time in the car.

I stayed at my brother's house, where I always drink with abandon. I drink more when I'm around other people who are drinking. We stock up on beer and put the car keys away for the night. And we drink. We often play board games - including the Beatles Trivial Pursuit that I got for Christmas. We laugh - a lot.

In other words, we have a blast.

And I feel just a tad worn out the following day.

Three nights of that + a 3-year old with a nasty cough + over 600 miles in the car = one tired and coughing kitten

I'm taking it easy for the rest of the week to knock this cough out before it knocks me out.

And I cannot be upset with my beautiful niece, even if she did share her lung-rattling cough with me.

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