Monday, November 13, 2006


Hernia surgery hurts. Don't be fooled by "laparascopic patients can return to work in a few days." Yeah, maybe if you can work while stoned out of your brain on painkillers. OK - maybe answering the phone at the cable company or working at the local pharmacy would allow you to be that stoned. Like my pharmacy, where I called three times asking if my prescription was ready and being told each time that it was not. Then my friend drove over there and it had been sitting in the bin for over 24 hours!

Yeah, those people are stoned, and probably not on the legal stuff.

I don't know what it would feel like to be hit across the abdomen with a baseball bat, but that's how I think I feel now.

My goal is to NOT HAVE SURGERY ever again. Or at least in this decade. Or at least not again this year.

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