Saturday, November 18, 2006

Movie Review - Fast Food Nation

I feel compelled to tell everyone - do not see this movie! It is terrible.

I read the book, which was quite good. It exposed the nasty side of American fast food - literally the shit in the meat. It also showed how big corporations exploit the workers, particularly the vulnerable ones - illegal immigrants and teenagers. The book was lucid, coherent, and compelling.

The movie was a mish-mash of stories that were supposed to intersect but did not. It tried to put faces to the evil meat packers, the illegal immigrants, the corporate shills, and the exploited teens. But it was so disjointed, slow, and boring that it just didn't make sense.

Do yourself a favor - read the book and skip the movie.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip! I'll know not to "waist" my time!


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? The movie was RIVETING! Tons of action, complex characters, and unpredictable twists and turns. And such a compelling tale of the human situation! Just kidding. My biggest complaint is that it was so preachy and nontransparent. I'll have to check out the book instead.