Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Observations on Weight

I believe that there is a finite amount of weight in the universe. When one person loses weight, another person gains same said weight.

I have been walking on this stupid treadmill for seven months now, and I have lost about 8 pounds. This is just not right! I walk for 40 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week, at about 3.2 miles per hour. I sweat like a pig. I breathe hard. My heart rate is WAY up. So what is the problem?

I'll keep trying, but I need to take a few days off. I have a new pair of Adidas, and I have blisters on the backs of both ankles. I'll enjoy my rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back when Oprah was fat and I loved her she said "God makes toy poodles and St. Bernards. He never intended for us all to be a size 8" (remember when an 8 was small?). I miss fat Oprah.