Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I'm Baaaaaack!!!

OK - so I missed November and December. What are you gonna do - spank me?

Seriously, I was traveling and getting ready for Christmas - my favorite time of the year. Everything is colorful, it's OK to eat non-stop, and EVERY STORE HAS A SALE.

Now it's January, and what is there to look forward to? Over three months with no days off work.

Normally, the weather in January is dreary and cold, which is OK. That's what it's supposed to be like in January. But this year in Houston, our endless summer continues. It's in the 80s every day. This would be nice, but I feel like I'm being cheated out of the three months of winter we normally have. For the first time ever, I had to run my air conditioner in the house on New Year's Day! The other nice part of a normal winter is that we get a break from the crazy electricity bills. I guess that won't happen this year.

Another depressing thing about January is that almost everyone goes on a diet. How dismal! I have been on a diet, more or less, since I was about 7 years old, so January is no different for me. But if I get a jones for some Mexican food, it's harder to find someone to go with me. They all whine about their holiday weight - as if they will stay on this "diet" past Valentine's Day. And who in their right mind can give up Mexican food anyway?

I am trying to get more serious about getting some weight off. I have been walking on a treadmill for 6 months, but the weight hasn't gone anywhere. My resting heart rate is down significantly, but no one can see my heart! Everyone can see my gut! Wish me luck on sticking with a regimen.

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