Monday, February 22, 2010

Dead tired

Change from beginning of program: -.2
Goal: 44 to go
Activity: 45 minutes gardening (digging and hoeing)
Temptation: none
Fruit and veg: 5

Breakfast: leftover mac & cheese, pear, Cella

Morning snack: two Girl Scout lemon cookies

Lunch: Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, biscuit

Afternoon snack: small piece of tres leches cake, 3 Musketeers mini

Dinner: whole wheat tortellini with marinara and parmesan cheese, 2 glasses Chianti, Cella

I'm bored to tears with my job. The people there are driving me nuts. Coming home and beating the hell out of banana tree roots felt pretty good. I dug several banana trees up, but more will grow back. My compost pile is huge, and I keep turning it - hoping for some nice soil for the upcoming vegetable garden.

It's February, and I'm already getting tired of yardwork. At least I should sleep soundly tonight.

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