Monday, November 16, 2009

Eating my way into a better mood?

Change from beginning of program: -3.0
Goal: 41 LBs to go
Activity: nothing special
Temptation: everything
Fruit and veg: 5

I had lunch at the Indian buffet last week with two thin girls, and one of them said that she was "trying to eat my way into a better mood." As if that would work...

but I keep trying...

Today was a total bust on eating well.

Breakfast: Leftover cheese biscuit from Red Lobster. Pear.

Morning snack: Not 3, not 4, but 5 Reeses minis.

Lunch: Salad with a wonderful, oily vinagrette. One bread stick. 75% of an 8 inch margarita pizza.

Dinner: Many chips and lots of salsa. Fish taco. Avocado stuffed with shrimp, encased in cheese, and deep fried. A few bites of rice, and some Mexican veggies. Three Tecates and a half glass of wine.

Evening snack: Two more beers. Two Fiber One pop tarts. Two cocktail chocolates from Las Vegas.

How do I feel? Like CRAP.

And I have had a low-grade headache all day.

What will I do tomorrow? Sit on my fat ass in meetings all day.

This is not going so well.

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