Sunday, March 22, 2009

From brakes to a break-in

The week began with me driving crosstown to get new brakes on my car. It ended with someone breaking into my garage.

The garage is detached, and therefore not wired into the security system for the house. When I moved into the house 10 years ago, I needed to replace the side door to the garage. I was pinching pennies, and He Who Cannot Be Named (HWCBN) hung the door. We visited Home Depot and saw the prices of secure doors vs. flimsy doors, and I chose the flimsy door. We installed a simple lock, similar to what would be on a bathroom door. At the time, HWCBN said that the door wasn't secure but that he would do what I asked because it was my house.

For 10 years, the door and lock held just fine.

On Friday, the last day of spring break I might add, someone used a screwdriver to pop the lock. The only things they took were HWCBN's bicycle and an air compressor. (They left my bicycle.)

We called the police, who actually showed up in about 20 minutes. We then spent the rest of Friday night installing a deadbolt lock on the flimsy door.

Now I need to get a stronger door or wire the garage into my security system. Either way, it will cost me.

The fun never stops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They left your bicycle? You have a bicycle? I think I have a bicycle. It probably has tires flat from disuse. I don't think anyone would steal it.

Frankly I'm surprised you haven't had those gold plated rims stolen from your car.