Thursday, October 02, 2008

I wanna be a Toadie roadie

About a month ago, I saw the Toadies in concert in a small venue in Houston. Bigfoot doesn't like the same music as I do (he was on his way to a smooth jazz - AACCKK - concert the same night), my concert buddy was on a diving trip in Mexico, my brother and his family who were in town dissed me to be with his best friend's family (the NERVE), and my sister doesn't really know their music. So I went alone, after much internal debate.

Am I glad I did. They were great! They have only three albums, and they played pretty much everything from all three. They were loud. They were having fun. They don't worry about any of the clean and sober crap - they sipped from cans of beer between songs. How refreshing!

So I want to go on the road with them so that I can say I'm a Toadie Roadie.

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