Change from beginning of program: -4.4 LBs
Goal: 39 LBs to go
Activity: driving
Temptation: fried food
Fruit and veg: 3
I'm starting to wonder if I'm subconsciously trying to eat more - and more dodgy - food every day. It's getting bad.
Breakfast - black-eyed peas and watermelon. Is that a Southern meal or what?
Snack in the car as I drove to Lufkin - Almond Joy (whole thing) and a Butterfinger mini
Lunch - Olive Garden. Salad. Fried lasagna - that's right - pasta wrapped around cheese, then fried, then served over alfredo sauce. Shrimp dish that included angel hair pasta, tomatoes, and a buttery sauce. I did split it with my sister, but it was still a lot of pasta...and butter. Several bites of a chocolate cheesecake-like dessert.
Snack - birthday cake (chocolate cake with chocolate icing) and rocky road ice cream and two beers. It was nephew #3's birthday, and we followed the tradition of him decorating his own cake. He wasn't really into that, but 2-year-old niece was all over it. She decorated her own "cake" - a paper plate with a layer of chocolate icing. She added about a million sprinkles. And loved every minute of it. She insisted on having a bath afterward because she hates to be sticky. She was pretty damned sticky after that experience.
Dinner - I'm ashamed to write this. I was facing a long drive home. I was nearing catatonia because of the teenager's hormones and the toddler's energy. I stopped at a Whataburger, mainly to pee, but I decided to order a Whatacatch meal. The menu said it was a filet of fish on a jumbo bun with tartar sauce, lettuce, and pickles. The total came to something over $7, which seemed high, but I never buy fast food so I don't know how much it costs these days. After several minutes, the cook came out of the kitchen and asked if I wanted a sandwich. I explained that I did - as that's what was on the menu. Apparently, the cashier had ordered the wrong thing. Long story short (too late), I got a sandwich with two fish filets, cheese, and tartar sauce. And fries. I ate all of the sandwich and about half of the fries. That was interesting - with my standard transmission and darkness and roads with deer crossing signs.
Holy crap! I just looked up the nutritional info on this debacle. With just one filet and no cheese and the regular sized bun, the sandwich had 460 calories. So my version had about 1000 calories. Plus fries. Even Homer Simpson would feel guilty after eating that.
And I wonder why I'm so swollen that I feel like I'm going to pop at any second.
I'm really tempted to stick a pin in my finger to see if it will relieve some of the pressure from all of this water retention. It makes me think that my hormones are fluctuating again. UGH.
I did manage to hit the farmer's market and a roadside stand, so I plan to have some fresh veggies tomorrow. I just need to lay off the sweets and fats.
When will this binge end?