Goal: 43 LBs to go
Activity: spending $$
Temptation: Cellas Dark
Fruit and veg: 3
I received my AARP application a few days ago. I have been so upset that I haven't been able to discuss it.
Geez, Louise...I won't be 50 for 10 more months!
On the other hand, I can start socking away more money into my 401k. And AARP does have nice discounts...
But I'm not ready to be an old person, dammit!
On another note - I'm getting serious about this weight thing again. I have been eating with impunity for months and my stomach is protruding for all to see.
Breakfast: homemade veggie soup and 6 Cellas (yes, 6...because I was working at home today and they are right there in the cabinet)
Lunch: Red Lobster, because I wanted those delicious cheese biscuits. I had 3 1/2 biscuits. (Did I mention that I have been eating with impunity?) Popcorn shrimp. Salad with blue cheese dressing. I brought 1 1/2 biscuits and all of the baked potato home.
Afternoon snack: 6 more Cellas. Damn those Cellas! Why do they have to be so delicious?
Dinner: Sweet potatoes (not much). 4 Miller Lites.
And in between all that, I spent over $1500 at Home Depot on the bathroom renovation. Unfortunately, that is just a dent. This is gonna cost me...
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