Sunday, December 06, 2009

Massage and a movie

Change from beginning of program: ?
Goal: 40+ LBs to go
Activity: getting a massage
Temptation: chocolate
Fruit and veg: 5+

Cable guy arrived at 8:30 and woke me up, so I didn't get a chance to weigh first thing.

Breakfast: 2 strips of bacon

Lunch: seafood burrito, chips and salsa with my massage therapist after my massage

Dinner: 2 bowls of homemade vegetable soup with multigrain bread from Costco - where every damn person in Houston was shopping today

Evening snacks: fudge, Cellas, mimosas

I remember now why I don't drink orange juice - it does not get along with my stomach. For some reason, I can drink fresh grapefruit juice by the gallon but orange juice of any kind just kills me.

My massage therapist and I saw The Yes Men Fix the World. It was funny but depressing at the same time, much like Capitalism: A Love Story.

I managed to get in a bit of holiday shopping, in between grocery stores. It was kinda horrifying out there.

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