Goal: 39 LBs to go
Activity: driving
Temptation: burrito
Fruit and veg: 3
Traveling and being out of my routine got me out of the blogging habit.
And I ate - a lot.
Now that I'm back to more or less where I was when I left off, I'm going to try to start blogging again.
Breakfast: Fiber One Pop Tart at home. Country potatoes and a Reeses at work.
Lunch: A half seafood burrito at Berryhill. I had about 2/3 of it, after some chips and salsa. That burrito stayed with me for hours. It attended a meeting with me, and it was as bored as I was.
I drove 30 miles to the Nissan dealership to get a new stereo system installed while I'm still under warranty. I drove there last Thursday so they could tell me to come back. I drove to the same part of town on Saturday to attend the world's lamest chocolate and wine "festival" with my sister. I drove today because the new stereo was in. I sat for an hour, and the service technician informed me that the system they received from Nissan was defective. So I sat some more while they reinstalled the system that cuts in and out. And I get to go back next week and sit some more while they install a newer system.
Dinner: Tossed salad with blue cheese dressing and part of a loaded baked potato.
Snacks: Peanut M&Ms and beer.
Watched the Rockets go up by 13 over the Mavs in the second quarter and then lose by almost 20. They are who we thought they were. But when the Rockets play the Mavs, I win no matter what.
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