Goal: 43 to go
Activity: napping
Temptation: everything
Fruit and veg: 4
On Friday, I visited my sister and her children in Lufkin. We went to the zoo to ride the train, and found a really long line. The zoo was crowded because it was a perfect day weather-wise and because it was the last day of Spring Break. But the wait for the train was extra long because they were filling up just the first two train cars and leaving the third car empty.
When we finally got on the train, we learned why they were not filling it. We started going up a "hill" - with an incline of less than 5 degrees - and the conductor asked some of the men to get out and push us up the "hill." They did, and we were able to ride the rest of the route without a problem.
What does this say about us as a society? We are too damn fat for the zoo train.
I have thought about that a lot over the past few days. My response? Eating like I'm manic. Can't stop. The only times I'm not eating are when I'm sleeping or playing with my beads.
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