Goal: 45 to go
Activity: 18 minutes riding bike + 30 minutes Wii Fit
Temptation: fudge
Fruit and veg: 4
Bracelets made: 4 (+2 last night)
If you are not familiar with the Houston area, today's blog title might not make sense. Let me explain.
Galveston has a wonderful complex called Moody Gardens. The Moody family apparently lived in Galveston and had lots of money, as several attractions are named for them.
I realized today that I live in Moody Gardens. Not the cool attraction in Galveston. The house in Houston where the moodiest man in the world lives with me. You know...the man who says he does not have moods. Ahhh...there are none so blind as those who will not see.
On another note - at the end of the work day, I walked into a coworkers office and the coworker started laughing. I asked if I looked that bad, and he said the I looked really frazzled. His advice: drink.
I followed his advice.
I also made a pan of fudge. And it took a great deal of willpower (and several beers) to not eat the whole damn thing.
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