Goal: 41 to go
Activity: getting pricked
Temptation: Mexican food
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: none...yet
I have spent the last two afternoons being tested for allergies. I went through this 11 years ago, at which time I was allergic to cats, dogs, cows, spring trees, and tomatoes (among other things). I took the shots for 3 years and avoided my Spring and Fall allergy attacks.
Even after stopping the shots, I avoided the seasonal attacks for a few years. But now I'm back to spending several days every Spring and Fall fighting allergies - and losing more often than not. The losses turn into bronchitis and/or ear infections.
I don't have time for that shit.
So I got tested again. Now I'm allergic to cats, mice, hamsters, cockroaches, chicken, rice, and "all" trees, grasses, and pollens. That was the doctor's term: "all." I'm allergic to several other things, including mold but not dust.
The thing I'm most allergic to is meetings. Especially the meetings where we don't decide anything - except that we need to have another meeting. And I've had a lot of those lately. Too many, in fact.
Perhaps that's what drove me to the allergist in the first place.
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