Change from beginning of program: +1.0
Goal: 45 to go
Activity: working
Temptation: fudge
Fruit and veg: 2
Bracelets made: 5
Not a good day for my diet. I took the fudge to work, but it was still there in my cell cube. Therefore, I nibbled all day. Fudge is my Kryptonite.
Breakfast: pistachios and fudge
Lunch: nachos with guacamole, plus chips and salsa
Dinner: pistachios and dried fruit
Libations: beer
For the past two nights, I have ridden my bike through the neighborhood and then played on the Wii Fit. Tonight, I worked - on MY time.
It's that time of year, and it will be like this through most of April.
Again, I say UGH.
At least I got some bracelets made. And I just might keep these.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Greetings from Moody Gardens

Goal: 45 to go
Activity: 18 minutes riding bike + 30 minutes Wii Fit
Temptation: fudge
Fruit and veg: 4
Bracelets made: 4 (+2 last night)
If you are not familiar with the Houston area, today's blog title might not make sense. Let me explain.
Galveston has a wonderful complex called Moody Gardens. The Moody family apparently lived in Galveston and had lots of money, as several attractions are named for them.
I realized today that I live in Moody Gardens. Not the cool attraction in Galveston. The house in Houston where the moodiest man in the world lives with me. You know...the man who says he does not have moods. Ahhh...there are none so blind as those who will not see.
On another note - at the end of the work day, I walked into a coworkers office and the coworker started laughing. I asked if I looked that bad, and he said the I looked really frazzled. His advice: drink.
I followed his advice.
I also made a pan of fudge. And it took a great deal of willpower (and several beers) to not eat the whole damn thing.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Fatal flaw
Goal: 44 to go
Activity: restringing bracelets
Temptation: DQ Blizzard
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets restrung: 11
My bead obsession hit a snag. I have been making bracelets with stretchy string so that you can slip them on over your hand and not have to worry about a clasp. The directions I read on the internets said to tie knots and then put a drop of glue on the knot. I put the strongest glue I know of on the knot - super glue.
I wore some bracelets. I gave some bracelets away. The bracelets I wore started breaking - at the point where I put the super glue.
I described the problem to a friend at work, and she asked if the super glue was eating through the stretchy string. I did some research on the internets and found that super glue was the problem. It was not eating through the stretchy string, but it was drying like glass. When I stretched the bracelets over my hand, one point on the bracelet would not stretch.
Of course, I had made 58 bracelets before I discovered this problem. I had not yet glued 8 of them, so I need to restring only 50. Of those 50, I had already given away 21.
I had 2 hours of conference calls today. I got 9 bracelets restrung during that time. I got some more done tonight. I have recalled the bracelets that I gave away.
Now I'm giving more bracelets away to testers. I need to determine if just knots (no glue) will suffice or if flexible drying glue is necessary.
Let me know if you want to be a tester.
Oh yeah, and I polished off a bottle of prosecco tonight. After I left the office in the afternoon and drove to Dairy Queen to get a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard. I had been craving that Blizzard since Monday, and it really hit the spot.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A little poem
Monday, March 22, 2010
Manic Monday
Change from beginning of program: -.6
Goal: 44 to go
Activity: seething
Temptation: everything
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 3
Necklaces made: 2
Going back to work after a four-day break was not pleasant...mainly because I did not want to be there. I really need to win the lottery.
The constant buzz of adrenaline made me graze all day. I was craving a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard, but I didn't get one. I just ate everything else instead. I would have been better off breaking down and making the trip to Dairy Queen.
For post-work stress relief, I not only played with my beads but I also made cookies. And I'm still a ball of nerves.
At least I have some new jewelry to show for it.
Goal: 44 to go
Activity: seething
Temptation: everything
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 3
Necklaces made: 2
Going back to work after a four-day break was not pleasant...mainly because I did not want to be there. I really need to win the lottery.
The constant buzz of adrenaline made me graze all day. I was craving a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard, but I didn't get one. I just ate everything else instead. I would have been better off breaking down and making the trip to Dairy Queen.
For post-work stress relief, I not only played with my beads but I also made cookies. And I'm still a ball of nerves.
At least I have some new jewelry to show for it.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's official: Americans are too fat

Goal: 43 to go
Activity: napping
Temptation: everything
Fruit and veg: 4
On Friday, I visited my sister and her children in Lufkin. We went to the zoo to ride the train, and found a really long line. The zoo was crowded because it was a perfect day weather-wise and because it was the last day of Spring Break. But the wait for the train was extra long because they were filling up just the first two train cars and leaving the third car empty.
When we finally got on the train, we learned why they were not filling it. We started going up a "hill" - with an incline of less than 5 degrees - and the conductor asked some of the men to get out and push us up the "hill." They did, and we were able to ride the rest of the route without a problem.
What does this say about us as a society? We are too damn fat for the zoo train.
I have thought about that a lot over the past few days. My response? Eating like I'm manic. Can't stop. The only times I'm not eating are when I'm sleeping or playing with my beads.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Change from beginning of program: -1.2
Goal: 43 to go
Activity: framing photos
Temptation: prosecco
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 1 + 1 repaired
My first nephew is coming tomorrow for a visit to celebrate his 20th birthday. YEAH! I'm so lucky that he still comes to visit. We're going to see the Rockets on Wednesday, then we'll hang out on Thursday until I drop him off at his friend's house.
Knowing that he's coming for a visit is what is keeping me going. Work is kicking my ass. I attended Babblepalooza part 1 today. Three hours of meetings where the Stooges (aka managers) talk just to talk. Part 2 is tomorrow. After that, I will take two days off. Praise the lord, Cleotis!
I really need a change in my life. Until the change comes, I'll keep my sanity by making jewelry and drinking. And baking. And eating Mexican food.
Goal: 43 to go
Activity: framing photos
Temptation: prosecco
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 1 + 1 repaired
My first nephew is coming tomorrow for a visit to celebrate his 20th birthday. YEAH! I'm so lucky that he still comes to visit. We're going to see the Rockets on Wednesday, then we'll hang out on Thursday until I drop him off at his friend's house.
Knowing that he's coming for a visit is what is keeping me going. Work is kicking my ass. I attended Babblepalooza part 1 today. Three hours of meetings where the Stooges (aka managers) talk just to talk. Part 2 is tomorrow. After that, I will take two days off. Praise the lord, Cleotis!
I really need a change in my life. Until the change comes, I'll keep my sanity by making jewelry and drinking. And baking. And eating Mexican food.
Monday, March 15, 2010
I fought the weeds and the weeds won

Goal: 43 to go
Activity: pulling weeds
Temptation: Indian food
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 3 of my friends (you know who you are) asked if I was becoming obsessed with making jewelry.
Well, yeah.
But there are worse things I could be obsessed with. At least with the beads, I have something to show at the end of the evening. And all of you get beaded goods - like it or not!
Unfortunately, my summertime "hobby" is here: yard work. UGH. It is March, people. March! The space formerly known as my back yard is now a weed farm. Dandelions, some spindly weeds with buds, something that has leaves like marigolds, stinky vines, you name, I've got it. And clover. Lots of clover. Why won't my grass grow as vigorously as the weeds do?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Chocolate chip cookies

Sometimes the cookies are perfect; other times, they are flat. I have experimented with different ingredients and techniques with varying success.
I read in a magazine last week that using Crisco was the secret to cookies that don't flatten. I haven't used Crisco in years, and I don't plan to start. I had enough of that when I was growing up. The magazine article said that if you use butter and/or margarine instead of Crisco to beat them longer and get more air into the batter.
I then read from Bakewise that the secret to the perfect chocolate chip cookie is to let the dough sit overnight. Better yet, the book says, let it sit for 36 hours - 3 days - before baking.
Come on - how much dough will be left after 3 days. Are you kidding me?
For the batch I made yesterday, I whipped the butter and margarine longer than usual and let the dough sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before baking. The cookies are perfect. So forget 3 days of dough in the refrigerator.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Allergic to meetings

Goal: 41 to go
Activity: getting pricked
Temptation: Mexican food
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: none...yet
I have spent the last two afternoons being tested for allergies. I went through this 11 years ago, at which time I was allergic to cats, dogs, cows, spring trees, and tomatoes (among other things). I took the shots for 3 years and avoided my Spring and Fall allergy attacks.
Even after stopping the shots, I avoided the seasonal attacks for a few years. But now I'm back to spending several days every Spring and Fall fighting allergies - and losing more often than not. The losses turn into bronchitis and/or ear infections.
I don't have time for that shit.
So I got tested again. Now I'm allergic to cats, mice, hamsters, cockroaches, chicken, rice, and "all" trees, grasses, and pollens. That was the doctor's term: "all." I'm allergic to several other things, including mold but not dust.
The thing I'm most allergic to is meetings. Especially the meetings where we don't decide anything - except that we need to have another meeting. And I've had a lot of those lately. Too many, in fact.
Perhaps that's what drove me to the allergist in the first place.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
B day
Be-otches at work.
Blizzard for lunch.
Baked brownies.
Beaded four bracelets, a necklace, and my first set of earrings.
Basketball on TV.
Beer? I wish.
Blizzard for lunch.
Baked brownies.
Beaded four bracelets, a necklace, and my first set of earrings.
Basketball on TV.
Beer? I wish.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Virtual Monday is just as ugly as real Monday
Change from beginning of program: -1.8
Goal: 42 to go
Activity: making bracelets
Temptation: chocolate
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 5
The first day back at work after 3 days off was kinda horrifying. I'm really lucky to have such a good job, but DAMN. Some days the bullshit is just too stinky. And the fun will continue tomorrow.
Bigfoot and I were supposed to go to a free movie tonight, but I came home and said that I just wanted to sit on the bed and play with my beads. It took me until 9:00 to get to my happy spot, but I made it.
You don't even want to know what I ate today. Suffice it to say that if it crossed my path, it went into my belly.
And I'm starting to get worried that "Lost" is not gonna wrap everything up satisfactorily. Only 10 episodes left, but we keep getting new characters every week.
Goal: 42 to go
Activity: making bracelets
Temptation: chocolate
Fruit and veg: 5
Bracelets made: 5
The first day back at work after 3 days off was kinda horrifying. I'm really lucky to have such a good job, but DAMN. Some days the bullshit is just too stinky. And the fun will continue tomorrow.
Bigfoot and I were supposed to go to a free movie tonight, but I came home and said that I just wanted to sit on the bed and play with my beads. It took me until 9:00 to get to my happy spot, but I made it.
You don't even want to know what I ate today. Suffice it to say that if it crossed my path, it went into my belly.
And I'm starting to get worried that "Lost" is not gonna wrap everything up satisfactorily. Only 10 episodes left, but we keep getting new characters every week.
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