Thursday, August 13, 2009


Change from beginning of program: -6.0 LBs
Goal: 38 LBs to go
Activity: 1 hour, 45 minutes of digging in the garden
Temptation: candy and wine
Fruit and veg: only 3, sadly

Last night, my sister was sitting next to her almost-3-year-old daughter (a.k.a. The Real Mini Me). My sister saw something that made her say, "What the F?" She said "eff" because the child was near her. The Real Mini Me knows many of her letters, so she quickly replied, "What the P? What the T?"

So now my new response to any puzzling question will be "What the P?"

Breakfast: multi-grain bread and hummus (for about the 15th day in a row). Two 3 Musketeers minis at the office

Lunch: Couldn't find anyone to go to lunch with. Went to an Italian restaurant and ate shrimp scampi while reading a book on compulsive eating. Nice. Then went to the bank and closed out a CD because the renewal rate is .65%. What the P???

Afternoon snack: Snack size Almond Joy and Kit Kat. Yep, it was that kind of day.

Dinner: Leftover Mexican food.

We had a miracle on Mobud today - rain. Our first rain of August. 38 minutes of hard rain. I was ecstatic. I've been waiting for rain for weeks because I needed to weed, put down some new edging, and work on the compost pile. I was able to do all of those things. The compost pile is huge, but it is nice to make my own dirt. The cucumber and tomato plants are now a part of the compost pile, and I'm prepping the beds for the fall garden.

By the time I came inside, I was literally soaking wet from sweat. Houston is as humid as hell already, and the time after a rainstorm is as humid as hell in a rainstorm.

Because I had worked so hard, I felt like I deserved some wine. So I had a bottle from the Maydelle Winery - a spot we found a few months ago. They make fruit wines, and I ended up buying a case when we visited. Oh, and I had to have some Triscuits and Cracker Barrel Extra Sharp with the wine. Basically, everything I burned off in the garden is back in my belly now.

Why do I even try?

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