Goal: 38 LBs to go
Activity: 1 hour, 45 minutes of digging in the garden
Temptation: candy and beerFruit and veg: 5
This is Friday's summary. I was just too damn tired to write it on Friday.
I have never read Moby Dick (the outcome of being "educated" in rural schools), but I know that the first line is "Call me Ishmael." And I believe that the book is about the search for a great white whale.
Well, call me Stupid. And I don't need to search for a great white whale - I am one.
What stupid thing did I do? In my ongoing quest to make fried chicken for Bigfoot that he likes, I bought some "Cajun-All" seasoning at the grocery store. As I will not ever eat the chicken, I thought I should try the seasoning before I used it. I put a small amount in my left hand, wet my right index finger and stuck it in the seasoning then into my mouth, and then I cursed myself for being an idiot. I was sober! And I didn't taste anything for hours because my taste buds had been seared off.
Of course, I then had to drink plenty of beer for medicinal purposes - to numb the pain.
Breakfast - the usual. Too much candy from the dish at work.
Lunch - healthy, at least. Met my friend and her children at Sweet Tomatoes and had a big salad, followed by a small, but loaded, baked potato.
Afternoon - Because the very needy - and noisy - people that I work with will NOT LEAVE ME ALONE, I reached the breaking point. I had to have a mixture of Reeses and ice cream. I didn't really have the time to drive to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard, so I went to the company cafeteria, bought a Reeses, and asked them to mix it with their fat-free frozen yogurt. They added a bit of milk for blending purposes (which was OK), but they also added crushed ice. The thing tasted OK, but the crushed ice was still somewhat chunky. Next time, I'll know to tell them not to use ice.
Evening - Wandered around Costco and Kroger because I'm pathetic and that's the best I can do on a Friday night.
Dinner - Leftover shrimp scampi at 9:00. Then the seasoning and beer. Then Alka-Seltzer because I felt like crap.
What a week. I need to figure out how to manage my stress at work better. Those people really do drive me crazy.
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