Monday, January 25, 2010

OK, y'all. Enough is enough.

Change from beginning of program: -4.4
Goal: 39 LBs to go
Activity: 45 minutes gardening + 35 minutes with the Wii Fit
Temptation: chips
Fruit and veg: 5

Here's a brief summary of the past several days:

Thursday: Attended a funeral (father of a close friend)

Friday: Attended the military funeral of the person mentioned above

Saturday: Did not get out of bed. Food poisoning or a 24 hour bug? Doesn't was not pretty. And I literally slept all day. And night.

Sunday: Weak from not eating anything on Saturday. Got a call from a friend telling me that his mother had died suddenly. Funeral is Wednesday.

Monday: My brother called to say that he may be having surgery tomorrow (we'll know more tomorrow). Then a friend called to tell me about how he literally saved someone's life after a suicide attempt and how he is now caring for the person's child.

That's enough drama, y'all.

On a more positive note, I was able to clear out some of the tropical foliage that succumbed to the hard freezes we had earlier in the month. I have a long way to go, but I made some progress.

And the bathroom is complete enough that Bigfoot is out of my hair. I still haven't used the deluxe new tub yet, but I'm hoping to do so soon. I would like to get something for the money and time I spent on this never-ending project.

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