Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13 of the bathroom remodel

Change from beginning of program: -1.6
Goal: 42 LBs to go
Activity: nothing
Temptation: none, really
Fruit and veg: 5+

They started installing tile today. I may actually get my bathroom - and sanity - back this year.

I'm more than ready to cut out for a few days to see Pee Wee Herman.

And next week, I'm going to Austin for a two day class...and that means I will spend one night in a hotel. Alone. With no construction.Ahhhh....

Breakfast: pumpernickel with hummus, whole grapefruit, pomegranate juice, 1 Cella

Lunch: baked kale with parmesan cheese, cherries

Dinner: made tacos for Bigfoot, so I had them too. But I had beans in mine instead of beef. Two tacos (beans, shell, lettuce, tomato, cheese). A bit of rice. 3 bites of pecan pie. I have about 4 bites of pie left, and I'm making it last as long as I can.

Once the Cellas and pie are out of the house, I should start losing. Those are two temptations that I cannot resist.

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