Change from beginning of program: +.2 - holy crap!
Goal: 44 LBs to go
Activity: drooling over LeBron - the most perfect body of our time
Temptation: fudge
Fruit and veg: 5+
How is it that I am gaining weight?
It cannot be related to the fact that I'm baking something every night in December.
Or that I have no physical activity more strenuous than wrapping gifts.
Or that I'm drinking like it's going out of style.
Must be the weather.
Or the meds.
Can't be my diet. Check it out.
Breakfast: Because I overslept - again - and then spent an inordinate amount of time cutting today's treat (Rocky Road Bars), grabbed a ham and cheese kolache on the way to the office. Yes, ham. And cheese. Baked into a beautiful yeasty roll.
Morning snack(s): Satsuma. Good. Two pieces of fudge. Bad.
Lunch: Holiday celebration at local Cajun restaurant. From the appetizer platter: fried catfish strip, a few fried crawfish nuggets, and crab casserole - a delectable mixture of crab, stuffing, and cheese...glorious cheese. House salad with vinaigrette. Fish burrito with rice pilaf. A bite of blackberry cobbler.
Dinner: Chinese food before the basketball game. Egg roll smothered in duck sauce. Mixed vegetables with steamed rice. No fortune cookie - BASTARDS!
Game libations: Two beers. Then three more when I got home.
Late night snacks: Cream cheese icing (from icing a carrot cake) and brownie bits (from cutting the brownies that are going to the office tomorrow).
When is this going to end? Obviously, I'm not too worried about it, or I would do something. Something other than eat. And drink.