Sunday, July 12, 2009

State Fair, here I come!

Today was my cooking day for the State Fair. I got up early to go to the farmer's market for tomatoes, onions, and peppers. I spent the bulk of the day making my award-winning salsa, then I tried to take a nap. When I couldn't sleep, I read Tom Robbins' book "B is for Beer" and then tinkered with my brownie recipe for the Ghirardelli baking contest, which I intend to win. (Was that a run-on sentence or what?)

Wine is a good thing. I have had a lot of it tonight.

In late August, I will know whether I got any kind of recognition for the salsa. I won't know anything about the baking contest until I take my treats to the State Fair on the last Saturday in September.

I'll keep you posted.

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