Goal: 39 LBs to go
Activity: shopping
Temptation: beer and fried foodFruit and veg: sadly, only 2
Bigfoot had a medical procedure today and needed a driver, so I made arrangements to work from home. Generally, working from home is really "working" from home. Not today. It was way too hectic for me.
Breakfast: Multi-grain bread with hummus and a plumot, aka pluot (cross between a plum and an apricot).
Morning: Working and managing work email at the doctor's office.
Lunch: As Bigfoot had not eaten in almost 48 hours, he was starved. He wanted chicken and pancakes. We could have gone to this wonderful soul food place to get chicken and waffles, but no...that's not what he wanted. We drove through the drive-through at Church's and then went to Denny's. I had a veggie burger (with cheese) and spicy fries. Ate too much.
Afternoon: Continuous stream of email, instant messages, and phone calls. And Bigfoot interrupting me with requests for help. Each interruption was preceded by "This is the last time I'm gonna ask for your help, and then I'll leave you alone." Yeah, right. And the contractor came over to take measurements for the windows I'm getting replaced. And the travel website that I am forced to use to book my flight to Rome (!) was not working yesterday or today and I spent 20 minutes on the phone with tech support and they said they need to send it to level 2 support. ARGH!
Dinner: Fried food at our favorite seafood restaurant: stuffed shrimp (1) and stuffed crab (1) and fries. Brought 2 stuffed shrimp and fries home.
Evening: Shopping at Marshall's and Ross. Spent $100+ on stuff I didn't know I needed until I saw it there. Then beer. Ah, sweet beer. I should have started you earlier.
All in all, not a great day for food. But I will do better tomorrow.
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