The Soul of a Rich Woman
Many years ago, my friend A's manicurist told A that she had the soul of a rich woman. A bestowed the title on me, and we have often discussed how unfair it is that we need the trappings of the rich, yet we are not rich.
Today, I learned just how soulful I am.
A colleague gave me a gift certificate to the ultimate Houston spa, and I reveled in the pampering. The best part of all was the mud wrap: a highly trained service provider slathered me in Baltic mud and wrapped me in towels. After the mud removed all of my toxins, a wonderful shower arm with four - count 'em: four! - shower heads rinsed me off - as I lay practically sleeping. My, my, my. I could do that every day.
1 comment:
I always read your blogs and enjoy them. I love this one (with the photo) and chuckled at the other one ... you know why.
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