Goal: 41 to go
Activity: feeling antsy
Temptation: junk food
Fruit and veg: 2
I have felt sluggish and antsy all day.
I have eaten nothing but crap since Friday.
Coincidence? Perhaps.
Or perhaps it's just Monday, and I'm tired of doing what I do, and I worked from home this afternoon with the plumber, and I just feel like whining.
Yesterday, during my sacred Sunday nap, I got a call from the Bill White for Governor campaign. I like Bill White. I will vote for Bill White for Governor. But I will not tolerate campaign calls on Sunday afternoon.
During our recent mayoral runoff, I got 12 calls in one day telling me to vote for candidate x, y, and z. I said at the time that I would change my phone number before the next election. I just didn't realize that the next election would come so quickly.
The friggin' election is in November. I got this call in January!
Enough is enough, already.
I'm fed up enough to pay to have the number changed AND pay a monthly fee to keep it unlisted.
Now that my rant is over, here is my junk food diary for today. It's no wonder I feel like a slug.
Breakfast: Wheaties Fuel, string cheese, 3 chocolates
Lunch: Bean burrito and bean tostada from Taco Bell. 2 chocolates.
Dinner: Large avocado made into guacamole. Tostitos. Pistachios. Key lime pie. Chocolate chip cookie.
Exercise? Are you kidding? I did have a nice bath before watching "24."
Let's hope that tomorrow will bring a healthier diet. And fewer unsolicited phone calls.
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