at least I'm not in the hospital with every rib on the left side of my body broken.
My friend R was in a terrible car crash last week, and every rib on the left side of his body is broken, some in multiple places. Someone hit his Scion on the freeway and spun the Scion around so that a dualy pickup hit him head on. They needed the jaws of life to get him out of the car. He was wedged in between the steering wheel and the air bags. Amazingly, his tiny dog was not hurt at all. R, on the other hand, is suffering. The doctor explained that each rib is covered in muscle, and the ribs act like an accordion when you breathe. When your ribs are broken, you feel pain with every breath. Ouch!
I'm trying to be a buddy and keep him company in the hospital as much as possible. I know how unpleasant the hospital can be - basic cable TV, crap meals, uncomfortable bed, and constant interruptions. I'm worried about him losing weight, so I take candy bars every time I go.
By the way - no one has ever had to stuff me with candy bars to ensure that I kept weight on. I was in the hospital for six days and did not lose one ounce. And in a subsequent day surgery, I gained 4 pounds in one day when all I ate was one bowl of ice cream.
From now on, I can't say I'm having a bad day - unless I am in ICU for the second time in a week, unable to get in and out of bed on my own.
It puts things in perspective.
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