Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hell Hath Frozen Over

According to my sister.

I asked He Who Shall Not Be Named to mow the yard on Monday. I know how tall the grass is because I am in it every night watering. He chose to wash the cars instead.

On Tuesday, HWSNBN was prescribed a medication that included a warning about staying out of the sun. Complications include heatstroke. Great. It is always sunny in Houston in June, and it will never rain again. So - what to do?

I asked HWSNBN about paying my cleaning lady's son to mow the yard while the cleaning lady was cleaning (which was scheduled for Wednesday). He said, no, he would handle it.

On Wednesday afternoon, he informed me that he didn't want to risk heatstroke, so I needed to hire someone to mow. By now, I was about to jump out of my skin to get the work done. Hiring somebody could mean days of waiting.

So I mowed the yard.

For the first time in my life, I mowed.
But I refused to edge.
It was HOT. Have I told you lately that I hate the heat?
I hope that I don't have to do this again, but if he stays on this medication, I may have to.

Better yet, that gives me time to find someone else to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. I'd sooner than go on a date with Pauly Shore than mow the lawn in June. You are brave. So very brave.